
Friday, January 4, 2013

Hair. The kids of today.

I am working under highly unconducive conditions people, the wireless has gone belly up so I am forced to blog from my phone. But does this stop me? No it does not. I am committed, I'll say that much. Lucky you. Ahahaha! Got me hair done today. My hairdresser du jour comes to the house and does a semi permanent colour and style cut for $50 and even holds the baby while I shower the dye out.


And I think it always looks ok but today I aksed for a slightly lighter colour, which naturally meant she suggested foils, and naturally I said yes, and so naturally I have ended up with my MOST LOATHED hair look which is the be-striped, far too blonde foils over very dark hair look.

Like a tiger. Rrawr.

I look like a middle aged suburban housewife who has DONE SOMETHING A LITTLE CRA CRA with her hair.

OMG. You guys. Hang on a minute.

I just realised! I AM a middle aged suburban housewife who has done something a little ZANY with the ole hair.

OMG. I need to lie down to recover from this discovery.

Until now I thought I was a 21 year old Media Studies student living it up Gen Y style with a trendy sort of flapper style bob and tattoos of Amy Winehouse on my arms and an IPad with a case that OMG looks like WOOD but OMG is actually plastic, how RETRO!!!

The disappointment is crushing.

Ha! Kidding!

As if! Who wants to be 21 in this day and age, eh? It was bad enough back in the day when getting dressed up to go out on the town meant putting your GOOD Doc Martens on, combing your armpit hair and getting sweated on by strangers at a Regurgitator concert, but today!!?? Today it would mean I would have to do the following things.....

1) Wear high heels all the time

2) Tweet

3) Get a tattoo

4) Keep up with popular culture and remain on top of the movements of current artists such as Lady Gagadonna, Kanye Kardashian, and New Kids on the One Direction or whatever they are. Probably by following them on Twitter.

5) Enjoy things on an ironic level.

All. Too. Hard. Thank goodness those days are behind me. Last time I went out in the Valley, I was at least 15 years over the median age and frankly it felt good.
Suffer in your jocks all youse kids, 32 is the new 80. And proud of it.


  1. Excuse me Slapdash but 32 is NOT middle aged. It's positively young and groovy. I'm 42! I know, I know - you can't believe it but its true. I'm 21 again. Your hair looks great - sunkissed.

    1. You're only as old as the person you feel Mumabulous! Unfortunately M is 44 so maybe he is leaching the youth out of me like a vampire. Haha anyway I like getting older, I mean it when I say who'd be 21 again??!! Not for quids!

  2. Love it! And I actually do love your hair. And I agree with Mumabulous, 32 is not middle age. I'll be 31 this year and if that's middle age I will cry!

    1. It's true Kylie, 31 is totes not middle aged, I am just being a dork. I actually like getting older although I feel older than I am at the moment, I think It's a side effect of having tiny children.

  3. I like it! I used to have a hairdresser who came to the house but she was the most depressing person I'd ever met. And she seemed to be addicted to Nurofen. Or maybe I just gave her a headache!

    1. The photo is kind to the hair. It is sooo stripey.

  4. If that's the hair your loathing at the moment - I have to say it looks great! I, on the other hand, am sporting an unruly mop of epic proportions! Thursday morning hair appointment here I come!

  5. It's truly worse in real life. Rooooly stripey! Oh well. Good luck at your hair appointment!

  6. I am so, so, so glad not to be a teenager/youth of today. I think there are going to be a lot of people out there with major tattoo regret in about twenty years!

    I really need to get me a home hairdresser, that sounds fabulous.

    1. Yes the tattoo situ has really gone to New levels! Downside to home hairdresser is the lingering hairs on the floor. I should have done it outside, dur! Thanks for commenting!

  7. Now that perms are out, colour is the only way we can mess up our hair! Sorry, I mean colour is the only way we can show some originality. Maybe you're too young to remember perms? Now there's a way to go a little crazy.

    1. Haha! I never had a perm, mum had some totally killer perms back in the day though. Maybe I should get a perm, needs BODY!

  8. Well at least you get your hair done, it has now been one year to the month since my last hair cut, except for hacking at the fringe with scissors. I am starting to look like an ageing hippy, which is kind of the look I am going for actually. I would absolutely LOVE to be a teenager again, but with the knowledge that I have now. I would go through the world like a dose of salts. Had a pretty fun time of it first time around, insofar as I recall any of it anyway. But deffo no high heels the second time :)

    1. Aging hippy is an excellent look. Yeah I suppose being a teenager without all the angsty angstness would be good. Like that Drew Barrymore movie where she goes back to high school undercover or something.

  9. I hate really dark hair with obvious chunky blonde highlights. Yours doesn't look anything like that. I continually go from light to dark to light. My poor hair will snap soon. Great post. Rachel x

    1. It's worse in real life. I can fix it by parting it differently but It's still a bit weird...oh well.

  10. I had a mental image of the tiger stripes but the photo isn't bad at all! Could be much much worse! Totally agree with the tat thing. They are hardly rebellious when almost everyone has one. So many moments of regret to come for those younguns. At least keep it to just small and black if you are going to go straight out at 18 and get a tat. Big with colour is a serious decision when you know yourself much better!

    1. They are stripier in real life! My brother has millions of tatts, I don't want to bag out tattoo lovers but they are not for me!!

  11. your hair looks fine...32 the new 80!!! then Im long dead.

    32 is young, young young you have to listen to me because I can remember 1960s hairsyles when streaks were really chunky.

    1. Thanks smr, I feel old and decrepit, I think its tiredness! I need to take more multivitamins!

  12. i would love to be 32 with cray cray hair! Im 40 with boring hair well overdue for a trip to the hairdresser! Your hair looks fine to me :)

    1. All in the eye of the beholder I guess! Thanks Alicia. I'm never really happy with my hair, such a vain thing to obsess about but there you have it...

  13. I have to comment that i am the owner of a plastic wood phone case! Haha! Also - your hair doesnt look bad at all. Anyway, you are female and allowed to obsess about hair!! X

    1. Tracey that is because you are YOUNG! I am JEALOUS!


Vent your spleen! You know you want to.