
Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog Power Events.

Blog Power Events run workshops for bloggers, and they are holding one very soon, and they are giving away a free ticket!

As if I would need to go to a blogging workshop!? Pfft. Me? AS IF!

Look we all know that I am just amazingly talented and gifted in many different areas. I am the ULTIMATE MULTI TASKER!

It's actually REALLY HARD for me to think of ways I could be improved by such a workshop. I am practically perfect in every way already!

See! Practically perfect. Like the original super nanny herself.

Like, I am totes a fashion blogger - I can model awesome clothes REALLY WELL,  and have my finger on the pulse, fashion wise, as demonstrated in Exhibit A;

Yeah baby WORK IT!
I am skilled in photography, absolutely a PRO! Exhibit B -

Still life, with thumbs.

Just hanging out with the Silver Budgie back in the day...

I am EXTREMELY good at all things techy. I am so awesome that I even know how to use the photocopier at work! Sometimes. If you only want a single A4 copy. Behold, Exhibit D;

Here I am just tappity tapping away on the ole computer, HIGH TECH STYLE!
See? I am already an expert at everything.

So look, basically after going through all that rigmarole I've realised I am just on top of pretty much everything, blogging wise, and frankly I can't IMAGINE what this Blog Power Events bizzo could possibly teach me.

I mean maybe I should be PRESENTING at the workshop! Yes I think I should!

I'll be waiting by the phone for their people to call my people. I am sure it will happen at ANY MOMENT!

DISCLAIMER: I do not actually know anything about blogging or photography or the interwebz or searching engine thingummies or anything. I was lying.

PICK ME!!!! PICK ME!!!!!!!! PICK MEEEEE!!!!!!!
*weeps quietly*



  1. Haha, I would go to your workshop :) Rachel x

    1. Oh, I forgot to add something to my post Rachel!

  2. I would go to your workshop too...I think a seminar devoted to how to wear jeggings and how not to take photos of feet and pockets...unless you meant to...would be well received!
    Good luck with your campaign!

  3. This is utterly hilarious in every way. I hope they pick you. X

    1. Oh thank you Trudie! Here's hoping my reverse psychology has the desired effect hehehe

  4. You totally should be presenting at that power thingo. I don't know what they could possibly teach you.

    1. Hahahaha! Oh dear my plan is fiendishly clever! Thanks Ness xx

  5. THumbs! I want to learn how to do the thumbs too!! Teach me yoda, please. x

  6. Actually - truly really - HOW did you make the follow bloglovin button thingo? I really do need to know this, please please please?

    1. Kim you log into Bloglovin, claim your blog and then there is an option to install a whole variety of buttons, there are heaps of different designs!!! Make sense??

  7. I think you should definitely be there in a Jeggings Afficionado Supervisory Capacity. They were probably worried that you're way too sophisticated and experienced for their rookie nonsense and that you'd reject the offer of a ticket!

  8. Love the Mary Poppins get up. This entry was practically perfect in every way x

  9. Completely unrelated, but while I remember as my memory resembles one of those plastic things with a hole in it, the word for which quite escapes me at the moment (how I wish I was joking) where is your subscribe button? For emails of your latest blog posts? I can see a subscribe to comments but not to new blog posts? Unquestionably it is me who is missing it, but thought I would ask while I remember!

    1. Hello A, there is a subscribe by email box over to the right in my sidebar. I'm not surprised you can't see it my sidebar is a shocking messy hodge podge and must be rectified ASAP!

  10. Good luck - would love to meet you there xxx


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