
Saturday, April 27, 2013

The go slows

I'm not blogging much, for me, at the moment.
Probably because our internet downloads have been exceeded and everything has subsequently powered down to a kitten-kickingly slow speed. But to be honest it's also because I spent a goodly amount of the last week having interminable evening conversations with M like this;

M: I'm hoooomme!
Me: *Grunt*
M: what's wrong?
Me: *Grunt* *Sigh* Nothing.
M: Ok then. You seem angry.
Me: I'll give YOU angry!!
M: .......
M: Ok then. Shall I put P in the bath?
Me: I'll give YOU a bath!
Me: ....
Me: ...... *Bangs things around angrily in kitchen*
M: .......
Me: I just want some EMPATHY after a HARD DAY damn your eyes.
M: ......
Me: Well that was underwhelming
M: .......
Me: UGH why don't you UNDERSTAND!!!
M: .......
Me: GAH!!!!!
M: It's hard to be sympathetic when you are so HOSTILE
Me: HOSTILE! I am not freaking HOSTILE! I'll give you bloody HOSTILE!!

Ad nauseum.

Sound familiar?

Anyone? Anybody? Bueller?


  1. You've just written the script for my life. Love, A xx

  2. Oh yes.
    I do a trifecta of sighing, stomping and banging.
    It never gets me anywhere.
    In fact it just makes Daddy R retreat to "under the house" and leaves me to do all the evening things myself.

    1. Yes it certainly doesn't work. I need an intervention...

  3. Oh don't get me started, this was reflective of my day today in epic proportions.

    1. Oh dear there must be something in the water Trudie! Ha!

  4. Oh my God, it's like a Harold Pinter dialogue ! I'd think it was funny if it didn't sound so much like my own life sometimes. I've been thinking that greeting myself in the mirror when I come home wouldn't be such a bad idea ; there's a lot to be said for living in lonely bliss !

    1. Yes sometimes I agree SB! So good to hear from you!

  5. Oh, sounds like you're more the 'Cameron' than the 'Ferris' this week. We all have weeks like that. Well, some people don't, but they're freaks. Hope you find your mojo again soon :)

    1. Ha thanks Lara! Yes I'm sure it will return. I had a BIG NOIGHT OUT ON THE TOWN last night so I feel moderately "with mojo" again.

  6. Well, at least you're still talking, kind of :) I have NO advice on marriage except don't do it. Oops, did I say that out loud? ;)

    1. HAHAHA! Yes that is EXCELLENT advice. No, just kidding. Or am I? HEHE

  7. M's mistake was not taking you up on that offer of a bath - it could all have ended so differently ;) - SD seems to be totally oblivious to my strops - or maybe he just ignores them ....


    I'll give him ignoring me!!!

  8. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. This sounds so familiar I can't talk about it. Erm.... However, asking what's wrong, putting kids in bath, noticing you seem angry...these are good signs. Mojo. It's in the jito mama. Hope you found it last night xxxxx

    1. Thanks Kim! I had a cathartic night ON THE TOWN and now I feel better.

  9. It is my observation that if partners in general got a whole lot better at mind reading, many a domestic dispute would be averted. I'm one of the great thinkers of my generation obviously! :-)

    1. I know, right!? Why can't they MIND READ SO RUDE! It's not asking a lot right???

  10. Sounds familiar. Also, I've taken to watching Miranda thanks to your recommendation! So funny. Am taking up snack fishing. Genius!

    1. Isn't she HILARIOUS! I love her witha passion. SUCH FUN!

  11. I say this, with no desire to boast, .... Oh, who am I kidding? I want to boast about being the more evolved person that I am.

    I used to do the not talkie thing. Once I went a whole month. Can't remember what it was about, even when I wasn't talking. But clearly if I didn't talk for so long, it must have been important.

    So how am I operating on a higher level? I no longer do this. I express myself clearly or I do something to jolly myself along.

    See, I am oh so virtuous and a highly evolved person. (My little trick is to say: it would really make me happy if you would.... Mr Sans wants to make me happy so he does said thing, which he wouldn't do if I whinged and nagged or just thought about it.)


Vent your spleen! You know you want to.