
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Better the Weber you know.

Today I'm writing about my BBQ. In keeping with today's Lounge theme. Which is BBQ. I know, I'm such a creative person.

Ole RoboMum is hosting today - check her post out and all the other peeps too!

So we have a BBQ. It's a Weber kettle arrangement. Not gas. Wood or heat beads.

We got it a few years ago. M was dead keen on getting this type. I wanted a gas BBQ. You know, so we could USE it and stuff. As it is, we have this bloody thing that you have to fire up at least eleventy hours before you want to eat, or there's nothing doing. The first time we used it we had friends over and we didn't get our laughing gears round our snags and chops until about 10pm.

I mean the whole bloody POINT of a barbie queue is to just, like, chuck a couple of steaks on and, you know, two minutes later you've got yourself a low carb dinner for minimum fuss!

Fucking disappointing frankly. It caused no end of tension between my beloved and I. Stupid thing.

It's somewhat better now we've realised that the strength of the Webber is as a sort of oven. You can cook a mean roast chook in it that's for certain. Still, we can cook a mean chook in our proper oven too so I'm still not totally convinced of its charms.

One of the endearing things about this particular Weber is that when we bought it, it came with a "gift with purchase". 


This recipe book is one of the more hilarious things I've had the pleasure of owning. It is an Ode to the Weber. The authors are Hardcore Weber Devotees. THEY ARE WEBER EVANGELISTS!

Behold them in all their glory.

Brash young barbecue salesman meets home economics guru - and BAM - the magic happens!

I have a real fondness for this 1970s food aesthetic. Liberal use of glace cherries - TICK! Did you know you could bake cakes in a Webber? IS THERE NOTHING THOSE THINGS CAN'T DO?

You can even make a Bombe Alaska in a Weber. Or should I say - BOMBE KOSCIUSKO! BAM! SEE WHAT THEY DID THERE?!

Hardcore 1970s dinner party aesthetic. I LOVE IT SICK!
 The Webber did have its moment to shine when P was a baby, when we used it to dispose of a particularly heinous baby book that we owned.

Don't listen to those bossy free speech libertarian types, burning books can be fucking SATISFYING, particularly for crazed and sleep deprived parents.

Said baby book in said Weber. Parents beware. This book is farking crazy. I knew this photo would come in useful one day.

A picture of me at the time. To explain what might be construed as a SLIGHTLY hysterical decision. You know, to burn a book. POSSIBLY slightly cray cray.
Hey lady, nice eyebags! They so big you look like you goin' on VACATION!

The Weber will always have a place in my heart for this reason, despite its inadequacies.

The End.


  1. Surely the slow food movement started with the Weber. Let us know if that book has finally burnt yet.

    1. You guys crack me up! You should write a satirical blog!

  2. Ha ha...I loved that you burned a book!
    Was the one that you burned the one that not only told you when to feed your baby but also told you when and WHAT to feed yourself? Because when that one told me to eat one slice of toast at 8:08am I wanted to burn it.
    I am looking forward to being invited to a dinner party at your place where you cook entirely on that Webber!
    And PS, I had a smaller version of that BBQ when I lived in NYC...first I almost burned down the apartment and then I couldn't figure out if I was allowed to put charcoal down my apartment's rubbish shoot. I am pretty sure the thing is still rusting out on that apartment balcony now.

    1. Oh god that is hilarious! Oh the Weber is famed far and wide!
      If you come for dinner I will be sure to create a Bombe Alaska/Kosciusko AND a pineapple upside down cake for maximum 70s food styling goodness.
      Extra glacé cherries for you!!!

  3. Ha! Yes, easier is definitely better, in all walks of life. I leave barbies to the menfolk, they might as well do something useful once in a blue moon...Yes, I made a sexist comment! And I don't care!

    1. Mate I burnt a book! Sexist comments ain't nothing on that! Bwahahaha

  4. Oh Slaps that is too funny! We have both arrangements, the Weber is my favourite but it takes bloody forever. I suggest you speak to Mr Slaps about buying a little cheapie hot plate so you can use it mid-week, like everyone else in Australia. That cookbook made me laugh, hard. That couple is delusional. I can hardly make cakes in my oven.

    1. Yes we need some sort of gas fired thingo. We are unable to realise the Australian dream until we can cook at liberty outdoors!

  5. The picture is hilarious! Complete with 70's my dad wore right up until 2004 when his optometrist told him to move on.

    1. I know right! I wonder if they will ever read this blog post???

  6. Ba ha ha! Oh, how I'd love to have Ross and Marg over for BBQ'd upside down cake! I reckon they'd like a few pickled onions on sticks and a cask of Lindeman's - waddya reckon? We have a big gas bbq, but we have the same problem that unless it gets used and cleaned very regularly, every big occasion means a laborious effort to get the thing ready before we can casually chuck a few snags at it. Your photo is classic :)

    1. I know they look like a couple of goers don't they! Laugh a minute! A couple of lambruscos and they're anybody's I reckon...

  7. I feel your pain...we've been at ye old BBQ and can I just say that it is the most complicated, annoying,inconvenient way of cooking ever devised? The D-Day landings didn't take this much bloody effort over timings etc. Gah! I just sit in the corner with a bottle of gin and try and find my own hands in the smoke.

    1. I KNOW! Gin makes everything better though, I find X

  8. A BBQ that cooks cakies??!! Weird but bloody hilarious. I love reading old cook books just for the chuckle. I know, I'm strange.

    And I don't blame you for burning that baby book. xo

  9. God, I NEVER. BBQ - far too tedious, not to mention too many opportunities to kill people. might just have a trawl, see if BBQ's get a mention in a past post at all. I've got a great baby book from the 80's somewhere, might dig it out and cook it.

  10. Bombe Kosciusko? Slapdash, I think you are my muse - watch out for a Bombe some-bloody-other-high-place post soon! :)

    1. OH DO IT! YOU MUST! At least you have a muse, mine used to be Peggy from Married with Children but I've felt abandoned by her of late.

  11. LOVE that saying cray cray - what a horrible book it was too - I had it also - bloody thing drove me INSANE!!!! And def have to have gas bbq otherwise it's not worth it :)

    1. It was dreaders! I Googled the authors at one point and they have been discredited left, right and centre as unqualified loons.

  12. I wonder if your book is ready for eating yet? Should be about cooked, now it's 4 years later. Most of my parents marital conflicts have stemmed from the Weber. 'Have you LIT THE WEBER YET? THEY'RE COMING IN 6 HOURS?! HURRY!' etc. Stupid lump. Looks like a tasty book though.

    1. This is basically the conversation M and I have every time. Damn you Weber...damn you to hell.

  13. My husband is also a weber evangelist! Although for the gas burner type. I'm glad you found a good use for it though. Definitely agree on a debrief session following the excitement of you know what.

    1. Oh if only we had a gas BBQ. All our troubles would be over!

  14. This is THE funniest thing I've ever read!!!!! Big call I know but so true. Your talents are wasted at work you need to strike out into comedy or write a book. Seriously. Love A xxx

  15. I was actually going to buy a Weber last Christmas.. but pesky car service and new tyres ate up all the savings.. sigh. I was going to get the little gas one though, not the kettle variety. However if I'd known that a funky, fabulous cookbook came with the kettle, I just might have changed my mind!! Great pictures.. soooo retro!

    1. Aren't they cool!
      I hear you on having pesky expenses. We replaced our hopeless broken washing machine with a nice new one, only to have the dryer die literally the next week ! SO DEPRESSING!


Vent your spleen! You know you want to.