
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wenatex bloggers event. AND A GIVEAWAY!

Good day loyal readership.
Thursday is, as always, the weekly Lounge Linkup. This week it is being hosted by the wonderful Kim Frost's blog Falling Face First. And the topic, you may be pleasantly surprised to note, is FAILS and STUFF UPS and so forth. I wouldn't know anything about that now would I?


Well, it just so happens that I recently got invited to my first ever proper bloggers product event thingie the other week. Blog Power Events organised a morning tea, hosted by a company called Wenatex.

Never heard of them? I hadn't either! I was intrigued, nay, DELIGHTED to be invited. I mean WHO WOULDN'T?! I was dead set excited. I HAD FINALLY MADE IT ON THE BLOGGING SCENE, PEEPS!

I was quite nervous, but determined to make an EXCELLENT impression. I workshopped my outfit, booked in my Dad to babysit the dumplings, and Google mapped the hell out of the directions to the venue.

Or did I? Well to be perfectly honest what I did was what I ALWAYS DO. Despite my notoriously poor sense of direction, I quickly Googled the directions, took a bit of a look at them and said to myself "OH YES THAT LOOKS SO EASY I DON'T EVEN NEED TO REALLY WRITE THEM DOWN OR ANYTHING I CAN TOTALLY SEE HOW TO GET THERE! TOTALLY!" and headed off on my merry way.

OK so maybe when I headed off I might have already been about 1/2 hour late, but I said to myself "I can totally make up the time, it's not peak hour, there will be no traffic, PIECE OF CAKE!"

There was traffic. Oh lord was there traffic. Some sort of crazy accident or road works or whatever. Who knows, whatever it was had disappeared and left behind a traffic jam of epic proportions. OK maybe not epic but STILL BIG! I tried to be as ZEN as a MOFO about it but I could see the dice weren't exactly rolling my way.

I finally got into Brisbane and over the Gateway Bridge, and somehow was in the general vicinity of the venue, with enough time up my sleeve that could lead me there ON TIME! I know, I was pretty surprised too.

It was then I reached a crossroads. My inadequate scratchings on the back of an envelope merely stated the road I had to turn into, it didn't say which way to turn. The options were left OR right. I took a punt and turned left.

It was not the right decision. As I drove further and further along, I started to realize I was almost in the city. This was not good. By now the odds were firmly stacked against me ever arriving on time. I screeched over into a sidestreet and re-Googled the directions. "Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!" I told myself. "IT'S GONNA BE OK."

I think I then proceeded to take approximately 17 million wrong turns before finally arriving at the venue. I then did about twenty drive bys before I could find a corner of the street to park in.

So all in all, I arrived, sweaty, red faced and flustered, about 45 MINUTES LATE.

I know. How embarrassing. I guess it was kind of ON BRAND though, you know, SLAPDASH MAMA SHE SO CRAZY kind of thing.

Anyway, lucky for me, when I arrived there was an AMAZING bed, doona, pillow, fancy pants high tea spread and Pimms to soothe my savage breast.

Because it turns out Wenatex manufacture and sell sleep related gear - mattresses, pillows, doonas, you name it.

Here I am recovering from my difficult journey...

 Now that is a woman who is in need of a comfy bed. I am here to say that this was undoubtedly the comfiest bed I have ever had the pleasure of reclining on. I mean, maybe I'm no judge, what with my old school foam mattress on a single bed that I had until I was 18, but still. Comfy! Comfy as!

Wenatex is a European company and by God do those Europeans love a good lie down, am I right? I mean, siestas and naps left, right and centre! And apart from being as comfy as all get out, all the products are also free from chemicals harmful to humans, which is a very good thing indeed.

And apparently, according to our presenter, "intimacy" is also "AMAZING" on these mattresses. If you get my drift.


Some of their products are stuffed with their own special blend of secret herbs and spices, all designed to help you sleep. No, not THOSE secret herbs and spices!

Also the pillows have SILVER in them, so WATCH OUT WEREWOLVES, OK!? Or am I thinking of vampires?

Anyway pretty sure that if you had one of these herb stuffed mattress things or a silver pillow you would be safe from vampires AND werewolves*.

We got a pillow each as a present and I can tell you now I have NOT been attacked by a werewolf OR a vampire since.

You can read more about Wenatex on their website here

You too could have this protection! Wenatex have given me this pillow to give away to one lucky reader!

1  Wenatex Silvermed Plus classic pillow -   RRP $320
I know! That is one high quality pillow right there!

To enter, you must complete the following challenges.

Tell me in the comments why you DESERVE a good night's sleep! I will be choosing the answer that amuses me the most so try and make it FUNNY!

If you wanted to go and like the blog's Facebook page that would be pretty cool too. WINK WINK!

The winner will be announced in a fortnight, on Thursday 22nd July.

 EDITED TO ADD: OH GOD SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHY I WROTE THIS. Thursday isn't the 22nd! I will change the date to MONDAY 22nd JULY.

*May not actually provide protection against supernatural life forms.

 DISCLAIMER: I was gifted a cool pillow. I am very lucky. I didn't receive any other payment for this giveaway. OK?


  1. Lol NS, I'm not entering the giveaway because I'm probably not eligible anyways but I am going to trawl my blog for a post to link up. its gonna be hard though what with me being an expert in most things an all ... ;-)

    1. HAHAHA! I suffer from the same problem. Practically perfect in every way!

  2. Can I just tell you that my husband is sleeping on the most disgusting pillow I have ever seen. I think he has toted this thing to university, to the States, back to has been with him for years and it is vile.
    I don't even like knowing that I am sharing a bed with this keeps me up at night.
    But of course I cannot replace it. There would be an uproar.
    But I think maybe if I sneakily put one of these fancy pants pillows in the pillowcase he might be appeased. I know I would sleep better knowing that his disgusting pillow is no longer anywhere near me!

    1. Ughhh. Although I must admit to having a few old stained numbers still hanging around the place. OK, lots of old stained numbers. Even some stained pillows too! HAHA.

  3. Someone told me recently that one is supposed to upgrade one's pillows annually for optimum night time health and what not. I had no idea. But perhaps this is not the case if your pillow is herb-filled and silver lined? They certainly look mighty comfy! Well, I deserve a good night's sleep because my family is still recovering from the worse-than-vampires-or-werewolves disgusting stomach bug that prevented me from attending the Wenatex event! I was really looking forward to getting my professional blogger on and looking thoughtful about the product even as I scoffed scones. It wasn't to be. Glad you had fun :)

    1. It was fun. You definitely have an excellent reason for needing SLEEEEEP! The WEnatex people were terrifying us all with their horror stories of dust mite damage. If dust mites are a problem then I am at death's door because HAVE YOU SEEN MY HOUSE???

  4. I love this post! I wondered when that quote about intimacy would end up in a blog post ;-)

  5. How can you always be so late when your comic timing is so good?

    1. You smooothies. Well, you are a tunnel. SMooth, get it?

  6. Who the f@%k buys a $320 pillow? Seriously? Ever?

    Because I have more sense than to ever drop that amount of money on a PILLOW, I should win it. Points for not being an idiot, right?

    1. Katy, I hear you. Certainly not I. FREEBIE THOUGH? AM I RIGHT?

  7. Great post with your usual awesome humour. I'm like Janet and had been waiting for the intimacy to be brought up :) It was great meeting you in person! Rachel x

    1. It was wonderful to meet you and Lisa too Rachel x

  8. I need a good nights sleep because my child is named Devil Spawn..not really I tried but the nurses tut tutted when I suggested it. Especially because he is all butter wouldn't melt when he is in the company of others. I am also doing Dry July. That means NO VODKA for 31 days, which is really doing the community a disservice because there shall be no drunken tweet sessions. We all know how awesome those are. Drunken selfies FTW!

    1. Are you mad, woman??! These are both EXCELLENT reasons. We shall have to see eh?

  9. I'm actually mattress shopping this week and now, I'm up very late with a vomiting missy. I've just caught an infomercial on TV about bedding protection. This is serious shiz!!

  10. Im so like you re directions one read on google yes got it ...well no you havent

    Your makeup looked good, that lippy suits you

    1. Thanks smr! It is my own blend of a million different cheap lipsticks that I smear together til I get the right tone.

  11. Great post... and at the risk of being "cyber-glared-at" (because we all know Dads win the game of 'who can keep their eyes shut the longest and pretend they are sleeping through the noise of the crying child') I'll answer your question.

    Two nights ago we camped out in the back yard but the missus and RatBoy bailed out at about 10pm. RatGirl and I stayed in the tent but she kept wriggling out of her sleeping bag so I spent 'the entire night' making sure she was warm... and she snores.
    Then last night RatGirl woke me up by tapping on my face... then spewing on it. The poor little bugger was sick every 20 minutes or so. And I'm organising a surprise "Congratulations! You're Still in Your 20s!" 29th birthday party for the missus so I've got a lot to do today...

    and being a bloke I get all 'grumpy-zombie' when I'm tired

    1. Alex this is an EXCELLENT ENTRY! And believe it or not, in this family, I am the one who pretends to be asleepr these days, and I am DEFINITELY the grumpy zombie if no sleep is had. Thank you for reading!

  12. Dear Mrs. Slapdash,

    I deserve to win that very sexy pillow because my GARLIC pillow (which I am currently using to keep vampires, werewolves and other daemonic creatures away from my sleeping self) is apparently not appreciated by my partner in "amore", Brook.

    He says that while he understands my pathological fears about being ravished by old sparkly-pants Edward and wolf-pack Jacob from Twilight, he finds sleeping next to me while I am lying on a carefully arranged pile of garlic bulbs "unpleasant".

    We have had stern words on the subject, and I fear our "intimacy" may be at risk of breaking down altogether.

    I am, therefore, most urgently in need of a pillow which can provide similar protection but without that GARLIC odour. From your post I am quite convinced that the combination of special herbs and spices, plus silver will do the job quite nicely.

    So I implore you - for the love of GOD please let me win this pillow. My marriage (or lack there of) could depend on it!!

    Yours in anticipation

    PS. Wine & lots of it la la la :)

  13. Whooop whoop for making it in the bloggy world - I hope you meet you there in 2015!!! Great giveaway and very funny write-up esp about intimate meetings. Gotta tell you I never knew pillows were so exy, my hubby got an $100 latex one and nearly fell off the bed! I have a $5 one because I put everyone else first and quite frankly like a flat pillow that I fold in half - weird or what?! xxx

    1. I know I was shocked too but I can vouch for the comfiness of the pillow they gave me!

  14. I have six young kids! Funny or what!
    Perhaps I need a better pillow to inspire SLEEP instead of the act that causes the existence of children! ;)

  15. I have six young kids! Funny or what!
    Perhaps I need a better pillow to inspire SLEEP instead of the act that causes the existence of children! ;)

  16. Love this post. And would love to win this pillow. I have been slightly sleep deprived since having a baby in February. My back is sore but if I slept on this pillow I'd be hoping that it would give better support to my neck and help me catch more zzz's in between feeds.

  17. I have two kids under the age of five with eczema - I have not slept for non stop eight hours in the last four years and I don't even remember how it feels to sleep throughout the night anymore.I feel being a time poor mum I definitely DESERVE a good night's sleep so that I can stay healthy to take care of my family.

  18. Better late then never! We are so glad you attended and enjoyed our Blogger High Tea! Thanks so much for your company and your fantastic blog post.
    Nicole (Marketing Manager at Wenatex)

  19. Thank you for inviting me Nicole!!!


Vent your spleen! You know you want to.