
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bad habits.

Getting back into the blogging swing is hard. Anyway I'm trying. Even though you might think if you read this post that I have confused blogging with Pinterest. Whatever.

I am a woman of many bad habits. These habits include but are not limited to;

  • nail biting and picking
  • picking scabs
  • squeezing pimples
  • never having cash in my purse and always having to borrow money off people at work. I never even have cash in my purse for the church collection. Straight to hell.
  • comfort eating
  • obsessive thoughts
  • procrastination 
  • obsessive checking of certain websites that may or may not include Facebook
  • thinking 24/7 about clothes and about buying clothes even though I have lots of clothes
I like to combine the two latter habits by obsessively trawling through online shopping websites, putting a whole lot of items into a virtual shopping basket, getting to the checkout and realising I don't have the money to spend and dumping the whole lot out again.

I am currently obsessed with the website

I want all of the things. They have heaps of really nice dresses.

Here's the latest shizz that I covet on their website.
I think if I had a larger collection of suitably brightly coloured and natty coverall kaftan arrangements, my enjoyment of the beach (with my ruddy pork crackling skin) would be increased 11/10.
Another beachy coverall thingo. I need it.
Cute dress, no? I am attracted to this yellow floral print. It speaks to me at a profound level and says "buy me! Throw chafing and caution to the wind!"
Obsessed with all the dresses by this label, "Lazybones". So lovely and they look cool and swishy. And flattering I reckon. I approve of this shape frock, it does wonders for my ample thighs and buttocks and relatively small waist.
Everyone needs a white dress for summer, right? Well, I think they do. I like this one. It would be a good way of hiding unshaven legs. Which let's face it is high priority round these parts.
What's not to like about this top? It has pom poms, it has sort of folksy Mexican embroidery, it's white, it's colourful, it has long sleeves for maximum sun protection.
Can't. Stop. Thinking. About. This. Dress. I mean, naturally I am thinking about Climate Change, Red Cross Appeals, social ISSUES, but also, this dress.
I likie this dressie.
Another excellent way to make the most of a small waist and conceal a hairy leg. I have one maxi skirt and by God I wish I had bought one sooner.

I have heard some terribly sad and upsetting things over the last few weeks, but at least I am soothed by mindlessly perusing clothes on the interwebs.

Do you pretend-shop on the internet? Should I really be doing this on Pinterest? Does anyone even care?


  1. I LOVE THE LAZYBONES DRESS I LOVE IT. Yes I do the things with the shopping online. I eat the chocolate and I buy things online when things hurt too bad, I try not to when they don't. I also have a small waist and big backside. It's been good to bond over this. I like your blog!

    1. Yay for small waists and big bottoms! I love the Lazybones things, all of them! They are delightful. I wish I could buy one!!!

  2. We share many bad habits my friend ... we'll have to join bad habits anonymous!

    1. Yes we will! And I could add so many more to the list!

  3. I just read blogs when it hurts so bad I can't breathe.liz

    1. Liz I'm sorry you are in so much pain. I hope reading blogs like mine lightens your day a little. Thank you for taking the time to comment x

  4. funny i dont really pinterest clothes - is that a verb yet?

    i think the best way to cure your shopping itch is to move house and see all the clothes you were sure you wanted and yet was stuffed to the back of the closet!

    1. YES! This is an excellent idea. Also toys - it would be an opportunity to get rid of all the TOYS! GAH!

  5. I've got the small waist/big bum thing going on too!! I'm totally obsessed with looking at boots on t'web at the moment and I've 'almost' bought 167 pairs so far!

    1. Ooh boots...lucky you coming into winter. I bought some cute ankle boots this winter and they were dead cheap~

  6. I share you bad habits, except not having cash for church. (OK, cause I don't go to church.)

    I use to look at online shopping quite a lot at work as I had a shopper-at-arms. Our boss couldn't believe how much we achieved work wise given how much shopping we did. What can I say? We were a talented, hardworking pair.

    Now I don't do as much, because I am on my year's clothes buying diet, and I don't want to tease myself.

    Love the yellow print dress. Are you getting one or more of any of these dresses?

    1. I look at internet shopping at work in order to procrastinate. BAD HABIT INDEED! I might get one of these dresses...but probably not. Musn't. Spend. Money!

  7. Love all of the above and could definitely picture them on you. On me not so much. I certainly do not have a small waist. Or a small anything. Sigh. They should be sponsoring you and sending you freebies stat. Look at how much free advertising you just gave them. How RUDE.

    1. I know! Maybe they will contact me? And when I say small waist, I mean, in comparison to my bottom. Which is not small. It's all about CONTEXT!

  8. I'm really sorry that there's been some bad shite around you lately. Drowning your sorrows in fabulousness is better than drowning them with booze - I think???? I hope things pick up for you and your gang ;-) Meanwhile I just purchased the most gorgeous yellow and white sundress which is age inappropriate and doesn't suit my figure type but its going to be that kind of a summer ;-)

    1. Just sad news about people I know. That's life I guess. Rock on Mumabs - I want what you are having!

  9. I need that long white dress!
    I am the opposite...I think those British ladies who name body shapes said I was a tree trunk...I have no bust or hips but I also have no waist! Straight up and down! And I suppose my crazy hair is a bit like branches and leaves.
    I do the same thing...Internet shop and shop and then just shut the window and go to bed.
    I also have so many clothes but always want new ones! Meanwhile I have no problem throwing out all of my child's toys and telling him he can't have any more! Mother of the year material!
    I also pick at my pimples, never have cash and spend far too much time on Facebook.

    I am glad you are blogging again!

    1. The toy issue is dead set true! I am quite comfortable with that too *she says as she leans against the door of her wardrobe to hold it shut*

  10. I want the orange smock so badly- it screams me.

    I pretend shop DAILY. Kidding- I do it at least once a week. Today I pretended to buy a sequinned dress from asos xxx

    1. Yes the orange smock is very you! I am going to accumulate a hoard of beach coveralls in order to develop a passion for beach going. I think it will work.

  11. I never have cash either - when will they do away with it altogether? Other bad habits involve getting so plastered on a night out with work colleagues that I lose not only my normal glasses but also my sunglasses and make-up bag!

    I LOVE the pink dress with the birds on it! Is that birdsnest too? I am sure i can hear it calling to me :)

    1. Losing things on a big night out is something I would NEVER do! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA! Yes that dress is birdsnest too...go forth and purchase it stat!

  12. so many great choices. ii am new to the world of internet shopping. but it is revolutionising the way I shop. especially ebay- and i only mention thay site bc we are different sizes snd so won't be competing against each other x

  13. I often confuse pinterest and blogging. It is very easy to do.

  14. I share all of your bad habits, except the last two! Actually, I should think about clothes more ... I think I have SAHM syndrome! I wouldn't mind someone buying me some of those dresses, they're gorgeous.

  15. Loved you social issues comment - I don't online shop, cause things always look so much better on those waifs than me. How dare they? I do also have pork crackling skin, so I would like the white dress, with sleeves, please? Maxi skirts are awesome, though not exactly 'turn out the lights baby' for the BF! Who cares, right?

    Oh and on my listing blog, I thought about listing bad habits, but then thought no one would return... so we'll leave that one there, shall we?


Vent your spleen! You know you want to.