
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mundanity, yo.

Hello all. How are youse guys going? Me, I'm tired, bra-less and wearing stained clothes, thanks for asking.

I'd like to extend a personal welcome to all my new followers! You have just taken your first big step towards happiness and personal fulfilment. Trust me! I am like the Anthony Robbins of the blogging world. No shit. I am unleashing some serious "power from within" right now. I kid you not.

But enough with the fart jokes, let's move onto more serious matters, like my previous post on the impromptu beauty pageant P was in at the cinema.

The cinema emailed me back and seemed very worried and concerned and thanked me for letting them know.  I'm thinking the manager had no idea what the fairy ladies had planned.  Hopefully they will pay more attention when organising this sort of thing in the future. Maybe I should go this Saturday as a sort of mystery shopper just to check up on them. Hmm.

Anyhoo, today was mundane, which was fine with me.  The weather is positively apocalyptic in SEQ at the mo.  Rain, rain and more rain.  Thinking of everyone in places like Gympie who are going under for like the fourth time this year. Bad juju.

As a result we were pottering round inside. Here's a rundown of the day in dot points, my favourite inclusion in a blog post. Apart from irony. I love that bitch sick.  Don't ever leave me.

  • Made wholemeal Vegemite and cheese scrolls, baked the shit out of them until they were as tough as old boots and essentially inedible, and then ate like a thousand of them anyway cos that's just how I roll. Or should I say, that's how I "Vegemite scroll".  Ahahahaha.
P declared them too "crunchy". She was right. Check out the one on the far left. Dry as a dead dingo's donger, as they say.

  • During lunch P got really tired and excused herself from the table, changed into her jarmies, snuggled down in her bed AND WENT TO SLEEP FOR LIKE 2 HOURS! I know. WTF. Another sign the apocalypse is nigh.  I got really freaking excited that maybe I would have both kids sleeping during the day for the first time in MONTHS AND MONTHS but naturally B, having had a good sleep in the morning, wouldn't oblige me, the little devil.  I rang Michael to tell him and he said "Maybe it's something you did in a past life that means you can't get the kids to sleep at the same time." I think he could sense my eyes narrowing through the telephone line.

  • Went next door for coffee in the afternoon and workshopped with my neighbour all the ways we could do more exercise and eat better, then came home and ate a whole lot of ice cream out of the tub while the kids were looking the other way.  Ugh.

In conclusion, I leave you with some Before and After photos of our recent backyard blitz.  Prepare to be amazed. Amazed I tell you.



I know what you are thinking but don't worry we mulched the herb garden after this photo.

Somebody call Gardening Australia, I think I can feel a visit from Costa coming on!

Any news, dudes? Spill it.



  1. That is some makeover job on the garden! It looks fab.Mine looks neglected, but I'll be pimping it for the Summer.I'm off to Amsterdam tomorrow! Do you want me to bring you back a fridge magnet of a donkey shagging a chicken while smoking a joint? It could be your next Giveaway!!

  2. OMG - are we twins in a parallel universe or something? Not only do we share a name but I baked the shit out of some cinnamon swirls this week (they looked very similar to your Vegemite and cheese scrolls).

    Not content with that, I was so overwhelmed with my success that I baked the shit out of some apple swirls the next day AND (accidentally) baked my son a batch of cockcakes for his Birthday.

    The garden looks fab by the way, I'm almost tempted to go out and tackle mine - I think I'll just sit here a while and think about that .... ;)

    1. Sarah if that profile of pic of yours is anything to go by WE ARE SO NOT TWINS OMG I CANNOT EVEN....anyway you look hot in it.
      Cockcakes you say...I am intrigued...

    2. Also, I just went over to your blog, and say what!? You have a 29 year old son?! But you look like a spring chicken!? I am confused.

  3. Thank you my sweet - the cockcakes were .... interesting! We looked at them for a long while trying to decide how to eat them. Yep, big D just turned 29, it scares me. I find photos taken at long range (preferably slightly out of focus) help a lot ;)

    1. Yes the cake issue would have been awkward...I hear you on the photo issue but no amount of blurring could make me look good in a bikini. That is not my strength, I'm sorry to have to admit.

  4. Nice pics, good work there :) And very glad the cinema emailed back and are taking it seriously. Full responsibility to them, they should have checked first, bullshit excuses about not knowing are unacceptable imho. Hope they get the hint not to do this again.

    By ignoring that sort of thing we ensure that it will only get worse. By making a stink we beat it back and keep it minimal. Am very glad you made a stink.

    1. Heck yes. They probably don't fully get it, but I'm hoping that they at least won't do it again.

  5. I'm thinking, seeing as its a miserable day here and both my kids are sick and now I snuffling and my throat is on fire.... I'm thinking I might make cheats Vegemite scrolls using bought puff pastry. Yep. I'm doing that.

    1. I am sure they will be nicer than the ones I made. It's puff pastry for me next time. I am having no luck on the cooking front I am basically overcooking everything I do. Also, I haven't posted your prize yet. I know. I suck. Don't call the police just yet, it will be done tomorrow.

  6. Haha your garden looks great! And the icecream incident reminded me of when we were at work and going on about how bad sugar was and then I remembered my old cupcake in the fridge in the other kitchen, went and got it and then scoffed it down before you noticed.

    1. Haha! I just went to yoga and.came back.home and ate more ic cream. I might have a.problem.

  7. Wow - great make over. looks amazing

  8. I love a good vegemite scroll.... or even an overcooked crunchy one. And great job of the landscaping. We will be holidaying in Gold Coast next week- any must dos while we're there? The Aqua Duck? Ripley's Believe it or Not. We visit every now and again- but its always good to get a local's take x

    1. Thanks H. Oh god, don't ask me, we never do.anything remotely interesting. Have you got one of those Seaworld passes? That's a good could go to O'Reillys or Binna Burra for the day, I love that. Otherwise I've got nothing, we spend all our spare time driving to freaking BrisVegas.

    2. Have got my value from my season pass to SeaWorld. It's definitely on the cards. Niccolinis (an Italian restaurant at the end of trickett st, near Cavill Av, is also on our agenda. Best pizza bread outside of Italy x

    3. Ooh sounds good. Sadly where we are is very far from Cavill Av. Very. May as well be in another city.

  9. Love the landscping. We need to do some more of this, but waiting until it cools down a bit before we start the plant moving!

    Annaleis - Blogs and PR Team Member

    1. Thanks Analeis! Yes, we've had rainy weather which is perfect for weeding. They were knee high!!

  10. Your makeover looks amazing! I'm following you via GFC. I host Fluster Creative Muster Party on Wednesdays and I would love it if you would come by and party with us. Hope to see you there!

    Hugs, Smiles, and Blessings,

    Fluster Buster

  11. That top vegemite scroll looks like some kind of awesome wonderbra. I would totally wear that shit, then eat it. Is that weird?

  12. Ha ha, hey Anthony Robbins, I'm feeling that 'power from within' too!

    I baked the shit of some frozen sausage rolls, so I win at tragically lazy. Yay me.

    Garden looks great!

    1. Sausage rolls are the business. Yes, the garden looks good, although all this rain is causing MORE BLOODY WEEDS TO GROW. Little bastards.

  13. I love a good before and after shot, great job! Sadly my backyard still looks like the after! My puppy is digging up everything even the new seedlings I planted so I'v given up until she stops digging, hopefully it will be this year!
    Saying hi from Blogs & PR link up :D

    1. Hi Michelle! Thanks for visiting. Yes, pets and new seedlings don't really go together. Our cat got really excited about all the new mulch because she now has a soft place to crap. Delightful.


Vent your spleen! You know you want to.