Friday, January 3, 2014

Bloguary. Hot in the city.

So I'm thinking of blogging every day in January. It's really hard because I find it difficult to fit anything else in around my unfortunate addiction to Breaking Bad. In fact, I've already missed a day. In fact I missed the first day of January.

Anyway, if I had actually started it properly I was totally going to call it "Bloguary" and it was going to become a social media phenomenon with a logo and shit.

Anyone want to join in? Can you make me a logo?

Anyway, it's absolutely fucking ridiculous weather at the moment. Tomorrow is probably going to be the hottest day round these parts IN ALL OF TIME.  Thank God we have a progressive federal government who are embracing climate change mitigation like there's no tomorrow. OH HANG ON NO WE DON'T.

We escaped to my inlaws who have aircon and a pool. I wore my togs there and after I had a swim I realised that I hadn't brought any undies to change into. This would have raised the awkward choice between wearing my short cotton dress with no knickers (undesirable), or asking my 70+ year old mother-in-law to borrow a pair of hers (not my first preference), had I not noticed that I had conveniently stashed a pair of harem pants in the swimming bag at an earlier juncture. Thank God. Wearing them undie free was by far the better option.

Saved by the harem pants. Is there nothing they can't do?

Stay cool hombres.


  1. I want to write more..but I wouldn't want to blow all my readers away with my awesomeness so have decided to stick to my usual 3-4 posts a week. Although I honestly don't think I could blog I am a bit of a snorefest lately..unlike your fabulously hilarious self!

    1. HA! I guarantee I will be making you snore ASAP now that I am an every day event. The boredom! The dreariness!

  2. I might do Blarch but BLoguary is too sudden for me - keep wearing those harem pants - by name by nature and all...Storms and winds over here so enjoy the heat!

    1. I just cannot enjoy the heat no matter how hard I try! I KNOW! But AWFUL!

  3. When I first read it, I thought Bloguary was some trendy name for 'blog obituary'. Blogtober would sound better and would allow maximum procrastination. Like the sound of Blarch, though.

    Keep at it. Let us know how those 40 odd resolutions are going - but maybe not the sex one unless you are seeking on broadening your readership.

    1. None of them are going particularly well, except the one about keeping on top of my bikini line. That is currently under control.

  4. At the rate I'm going, I'll soon be biannual if I don't staple my paws to the keyboard. Thank fuck for those harem pants! ( and I hate harem pants).

    1. I know right! Get blogging Sulky all the cool kids are doing it! They are also wearing harem pants!

  5. You know there is an actual blog every day thing that happens each year "Blogtober". I tried it once.

    By the way my dear you're bloody hilarious. X

    1. Really?? There you go, I am so out of it I didn't even know! Maybe I'll do that one too!

  6. Definitely a ring to bloguary. I'm not technical, so can't help you with a logo- I say keep the one you've got. Stay cool x

  7. Bloguary sounds good. Might aim for February. Or would that be Blogruary? SO CONFUSED.

    Blogril also sounds good. And April only has 30 days. Easier.

    1. Blogril certainly has a certain something doesn't it!!

  8. I love Blarch! I might blog every day in March just so I can say Blarch.
    I am still in slow blogging mode…it is always hard for me to come back to the blog after some time away.
    I am super excited about you blogging every day though…I am excited for the next 27 days!

    1. Don't get too excited my friend because I'VE ALREADY MISSED ANOTHER DAY! BLARCH IT!

  9. Yes, good idea. I've never understood why women wear knickers. Isn't is better to have air circulating around the lady parts?

    1. Circulating air is a good thing but for the sake of hygiene I guess we must all make small sacrifices, like wearing bloomers. Ma

  10. The weather IS ridiculous! I forgot to take undies the night before my wedding day. I woke up to get dressed, no undies. I wore my sisters Superman undies(clean of course) under my wedding dress! Maybe I should get some versatile harem pants :)

    1. THAT IS HILARIOUS! Although you couldn't wear the harem pants under the wedding dress. OR COULD YOU??

  11. This weather is freaking atrocious. Today might be "cooler" but without the beautiful bayside breeze that kept me same yesterday I am in a world of pain. I can't think or do anything until the sun goes down, and then by that stage I am so tired through the heat that I just need to sit. I spent all of yesterday in a bikini even though I went nowhere near water - I figure it is the least amount of clothes that you can get away with answering the door in.

    1. I hear you. I too am suffering greatly. I tend to get about in mumu type arrangements in this weather. A bikini brings up CHAFING issues.

  12. Holy bat balls batgirl! Every freaking day! I blogged. Once this year. That's enough achievement for me- don't want to aim too high, see. Stay cool, honey bunny.

    1. Only in January AND I'VE ALREADY COCKED IT UP BY MISSING TWO DAYS! I can't stay cool. It is DREADERS! I AM IN HELL!

  13. You are a bloody McLegend! Rightio - there is NO getting out of it - you HAVE to come over for a swim here before school starts back - dealio?
    Have you tried watching Dexter? It's another good one :) xxx


Vent your spleen! You know you want to.

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